Ние комбинираме любовта си към кучетата и зимата в нашето хоби. А именно впрягове със сибирски хъски! Избираме различни дестинации, преходи с качване на върхове, експедиции за един ден, както и просто разходка из планината с шейни дърпани от кучета, в търсене на нови маршрути.
“Любител на зимните спортове и екстремните изпитания. Първо имах едно хъски и със ски с колани го научих да бъде водач, след това взех и второ куче и така вече 5 години съм мъшер.”
ЮЛИЯ ШАТНИКОВА · “Когато бях на 7г. мечтаех само за куче, на 14г. имах куче, сега съм майка на две деца и съвместния живот с кучетата ни, помагат да възпитаме любов и отговорност към заобикалящия ни свят.”
EKOCh. Cameroon Jesionowe Gory/ leader of Julia’s sled. It comes from an Italian/polish bloodline which has a many European and world beauty awards. It is a really good reproducer and has been a sled dog since it has been 10 month old. | THORX Ni Ra’s Thor/ son of EKO, it has the passion of dogsledding, it works seriously and carefully with a lot of energy. Always in a good mood. | ORKA & VODOUCH. Euforia of Cool Water/ и VODOU /XNiRa’s Vodoo / mother and daughter from a French bloodline: Cool Water. Good dogs, very loving working seriously. |
JACKInt.Ch. Winalmik's Jack Sparrow/ 8 years old, it is one of our experienced dogs, a tough worker. It comes from a Italian bloodline. | AZAA 6 year old female, she overpowers every single dog from the pack and stimulates the other dogs to run faster. She always choose the easier path. | BOULATIt forms an incredible tandem with AZA, powerful male, it does everything we ask for. |
AÏLISIt always pulls with good willing. Thanks to it good nature it can always work with the other dogs from the pack. | ASPRO11 year old, it is the veteran of the pack. Always ready for running. | AMOSon of EKO, a young male, with a good nature, it works a lot with energy alongside it mother HERA. |
HERA7 year old, she has lots of character, very enduring it adores dogsledding. | HALEM10 year old, father of many dog such as AZA or BOULAT, he is the dominant male of our pack. It spend his life in the mountains as a Guide Dog. | RAÏKOSon of HALEM, 10 month old, it is the youngest but he seems full of potential. |
HANASon of EKO, it is a young female. Short but powerful, it works with a lot of pleasure | RAÏARAIKOS’s sister starts it first season in snow. But alongside her mother HANA, she feels secured and pulls with full force. |
Нашият пакет нараства всяка година. Останете настроени да намерите нашите нови кученца и наематели.